Sep 12, 2014

The Closest Friend Of Mine

The closest friend of mine

(My bro and I) 

I have two elder brothers; one of them is my closest friend in this world. We was born in the same country, went to the same school, laugh at the same jokes and we've been talking and playing with each other since young.

My bro is a soccer fan and I need to listen to him talking abt Arsene Wenger, Arsenal players like Walcott, Fabregas and etc, what is off side, when will EPL start and he did force me to play PES with him. Same to what I did to him, he also will listen to me talking abt Korean dramas and movies and I did ask him to watch Running Man with me. Haha!

Like how much love Khaulah Al-Azwar gave to her brother, Dirar Al-Azwar, me too felt the same. Yes, I am Khaulah and Dirar is my brother. I've been thinking, how many years left for us to live together as siblings before everyone will have their own family? Scared to face the reality.
I love the other eight too! Siblings hug

Aug 3, 2014

There's someday that I felt like..

There's someday that I felt like..

I want to give up on everything 
I am strong enough to carry on everything that I've been doing

I can beat Albert Einstein for any reason
I am the stupidest person on this earth

I am happier than Pharrel Williams 
I felt so emotional and I want to be alone all the time

I can't even do anything right, I don't wanna be such a clumsy person
I am a perfectionist in some aspects

I want to lay on the bed for 24/7 and watching drama
I want to do the chores, get my assignments done and read lots of book

I want to run away from this busy schedule as a student
Well, then I thought I should be grateful, thankful and enjoying my life as a student

At this moment, I am so down and I asked my friends for help. They gave me motivation to keep on going in my study and life, don't try to give up! Insya-Allah, I will. 

I had a thought about something. The Commonwealth Games is happening right now in Glasgow. One of my favourite sport is badminton and of course I watch the game, supporting the Malaysian team! I realized that we're not always leading all the time. There's a moment when we lose but there's also a moment when the opponent is leading by five points for example but then our team smashed lots of time, defended themselves and play so hard until they beat the opponent and finally.. they won! They got it! They'll never give up. They play the game really well, physically and mentally and that's really inspired me :-)

Malaysia Boleh! Why can't I?

Jul 5, 2014

Cikgu pilih adik awak sbg menantu

Went to my younger brothers/sister's school yesterday instead of my parents to meet their teachers and received their report card. It is kinda awkward haha but people always mistaken my age which they thought I am 22+, so I think 'redah je ni utk masa hadapan kakaka'. But I don't know how to respond when a teacher said to me like this..

Teacher: Nama pelajar siapa ye?
Me: Oh, adik saya nama Khairil Anwar..
Teacher: Ahh.. awak ada adik lagi satu kan? Nama Luqman?
Me: Haa ye.. ada lagi.. 
Teacher: Itu menantu saya tu..... Saya dah pilih dia.
Me: huh? (just smile awkwardly)

Told my mom about this and she just smile. 
What an awkward situation I had because excuse me cikgu, adik saya tu yg ke-6 kot atas dia ada lagi 5 and even we the elders siblings don't think about that yet err.... 

but that's mean our Luqman gave the teacher best perception :)

Awas anak cikgu sekalian, bakal suami/isteri kamu kelak kemungkinan besar daripada kalangan anak murid ibu ayah awak! Selamat lah ye! 

Jul 3, 2014

My Life As A Foundation Student

My Life As A Foundation Student

Assalamualaikum w.b.t syukur Alhamdulillah tamatlah sudah pengajian saya dan rakan-rakan sebagai pelajar Asasi. Bila orang tanya 'Sambung apa?' dan dijawab 'Asasi', mesti ada pelbagai feedback selepas tu. Antaranya,

'Pandai bolehlaah'
'Eh tak penat ke?'
'Aku tak suka belajar sekejap sangat, tak best'
'Tahniah, proud of u!'

Ada yang negatif dan ada yang positif. Tidak mengapa. Kuatkan semangat sebab ini jalan yang kita pilih! Mesti kena yakin dengan diri sendiri, aku boleh tempuh asasi! Hati kena cekal beb masuk U mana boleh cengeng serupa budak sekolah. Semua orang pandai, bezanya rajin dan malas je. Penat? Tidur pun boleh rasa penat dik oi. Belajar kejap sangat asasi ni? Takpa dik. Awak grad dulu, awak kerja dulu Insya-Allah. Pedulikan kata orang lain. Kita tunjukkan kualiti kita! 

Masa mula-mula masuk Asasi... Hmm okaylah waktu tu baru nak adapt suasana IPT. Hari demi hari, baru terasa sibuknya kejar deadline assignment, kejar study untuk quiz, kejar program persatuan, kejar mentoring dan usrah (based on ur college's program), kejar hari presentation, kejar nak study final tapi takdalah doploh ompat jam asyik nak mengejar je.. Relax.. kitorang boleh siap berlenggang buat macam-macam aktiviti lagi. Yang paling penting.. In a short journey, less than twelve months we've created beautiful memories among us. Let the pictures describe everything....

Name of our class, AI(A)

 (Behind the scene video English sem 2 revealed! Hahaha)

 (Singgah sebentar di gerai cendol berhampiran masjid. Muka semua happy lepas kereta dah okay haha)

 (Biasalah kalau dah kena paksa amik gambar dengan Raihan dan Abel, tengah jalan pun boleh.. Malu sebenanya orang tengok...)

 (Suasana sebelum mula Pencetus Ummah. Kat luar lagi ramai berebut nak masuk.. Sesak yang teramat!)

(Recording Anta Tanya Ana Jawab, satu soalan.. kenapa lepas edit kat TV tak se-best tgk live? Serius depan2 sangat best haha)
(Kayaking! See siapa kata Asasi busy memanjang? :D)

(With our lovely and caring mentor! Tapi waktu ni Ummi tersayang pulak call, jadi Ummi diutamakan hehe)

 (Video psikologi behind the scene)

 (Presentation from another group..)

(Proud of our Farah Zafirah! You go girl! AI(A) proud of u!)

 (The end of semester 2!)

 (Waiting for our beloved lecturer!)

( The end of semester 3 )

- Farah, Suhana, Hidayah, Fakhrul, Awdadi, Afnan, Azza, Raihan, Abel, Ateh, Amir, Khaulah, Mira, Ikhwan, Sofwa, Hanis, Red Tika, Aimi, Hanif, Izah, Tiqah, Anas, Din, Aufa, Tika Ayob -

p/s: Hidup sebagai Asasian sangat best! Jom masuk Asasi? :)

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Tak selembut kapas, tidak sekeras batu, hanya ditengah. Itulah aku.