May 2, 2011

Famous people with their own kind of nightmare

Dear Dreamers ,

Yesterday I watched Oprah Winfrey Show The Farewell Season . Semalam dia cerita about her family business ,   I mean urusan keluarga . haha . Actually , mak kepada Oprah ni ada simpan satu rahsia yang boleh kata BESAR jugak lahh . Well , sekarang Oprah baru tahu dia ada seorang lagi adik perempuan , mak sama tapi ayah diorang lain . Faham tak ? * tak faham you baca ayat I lagi sekali sampai you faham . HAHA

Nama adik dia Patricia II kebetulan sama dengan nama adik perempuan Oprah yang lagi satu . But Patricia I dah meninggal dunia . Oprah also ada seorang lagi adik lelaki , but sudah meninggal dunia juga . 

* I put Patricia I and Patricia II supaya tak confuse . 

Patricia I - adik kandung Oprah sama ayah and mak
Patricia II - adik yang baru Oprah jumpa sama mak tetapi berlainan ayah

So , that is Oprah's Loooooong Lost sister , Patricia . 

She was placed for adoption as a baby and never knew who her birth family was . Only a small handful of people in Oprah's family knew about this baby and Oprah, who was about 9 years old at the time and living with her father , wasn't one of them . Thats why Oprah tak kenal and tak tahu untill perkara ni reveal selepas berpuluh-puluh tahun .

And for your information mak Oprah , Vernita and ayah Oprah , Winfrey TIDAK PERNAH BERKAHWIN and they got three children . MEANS , Oprah and adik-adiknya adalah anak luar nikah . Right ? O.o

But in America and banyak lagi county yang lain , perkara ni macam perkara biasa . Dah terlalu ramai anak luar nikah . Entah entah 40% semua anak luar nikah dalam negara diorang . You never know right ?

So , I think everyone must think of it . I mean , the effect of having a child when you're not married also when you're still in secondary school . OHH ! and Oprah also pernah mengandung masa dia umur 14 . Act , since dia 9 tahun dia kena dera and dia mengandung because of dia kena rogol . Only that yang I know .

Well , semua perkara dah terjadi . Cannot putar balik masa . Just jadikan cerita ini satu pengajaran . Satu perkara yang boleh dijadikan contoh is , TO BE HONEST

p/s : ahhh , Oprah is cryingg :( and she's trying to accept .


nur maisarah said...

tak pernah tengok cerite ni sebab tak faham . -_-'

anumuchan said...

Salam.visit here^^ nice blog.keep blogging :)
Feel free to read my new entry @ frommetoyou~

CIKAIN said...

kesian koala..hehehe tkpe,info tu,cite ni da lame dah..mak ngah ko tgok berulang ulang.bosan....

LeKhaulah said...

yeah , tapi 2011 punya kan :P

Anis Adila Aris said...

so kita boleh tengok betapa indahnya kehidupan berlandaskan Islam

LeKhaulah said...

that is sooooooooooooooooooooo true :D

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