Jun 28, 2015

Planning for business


I always have deep conversation from heart to heart with my dad in the car. Haha. You guys did this too, right? Just talked to my dad about my plan in business. I love business! I did think about it since I was young till now.. But, I don't pursue my study in business field. At school, I am a Science stream student and now I'm in college I am taking Degree in Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah with Communication. Hmm, at least I did learn about muamalat and speech communication in this field. (Don't get me wrong, I never regret choosing this program, I love it!) On top of that, I think everyone can start a business when they really into it, right? 

I did some business in college and it did works :) This is only my little experiment here. Insya-Allah one day it will get bigger and maybe someday I will have the chance to produce a brand name :) Aamiin. I am so glad I have a dad and a mom who really support me to do business. My dad even said,

'Kalau kakak lebih cenderung kepada bisnes, mungkin selepas belajar boleh terus bekerja dalam bidang ini'

'Kalau kakak ada rumah yang lebih besar dari rumah ayah, lagi ayah suka! Haha' (He means that he will be very happy to see I succeed one day insya-Allah) 

'If u have that skill, and u know how to do it maybe one day u can help ur own brothers and sisters with the know-how in business'

'Siti Khadijah juga seorang peniaga yang berjaya..'

'Cuba kakak tengok contoh seperti owner Beras Faiza bagaimana dia bermula daripada bawah dan sekarang produk dia berjaya

'Ayah cuma nak anak-anak ayah berjaya di dunia, beramal soleh ingat Allah sentiasa dan berjaya di akhirat'

Ye, ayah. I'll remember all that. I do remember Rasulullah s.a.w. also said;

"Sembilan persepuluh sumber rezeki (boleh diperolehi) melalui perniagaan"(Hadis Riwayat Tirmizi).

"Peniaga-peniaga yang jujur dan amanah (akan ditempatkan) beserta dengan para nabi, siddiqin dan para syuhada"(Hadis Riwayat Tirmizi).

Insya-Allah kalau niat kita baik, Allah akan permudahkan urusan. Do pray for me, okay? :)

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